Prism Directory » Mental Health Providers » Kerry Jessup, LPC, ATR/BC
(Please note that providers might currently have a waiting list. Check with provider for current availability)
Virtual and in-person in Denver for LGBTQ+ young adults and adolescents (ages 12+) offering solution-focused talk therapy, EMDR, and art therapy. I have over a decade of experience and specialize in working with clients who are experiencing anxiety and depression, struggling in interpersonal relationships, and want to begin the process of overcoming unresolved trauma. I am a queer therapist and cisgender ally of the trans and non-binary communities.
(Please note that providers might currently have a waiting list. Check with provider for current availability)
Disclaimer: Community Health Partnership’s provider directory is for reference purposes only. Community Health Partnership is not liable for the quality of service and treatment you may receive. By offering this directory, Community Health Partnership in no way endorses the use of a particular provider or health care professional’s services. Community Health Partnership makes no representations, and assumes no obligations, regarding the choice or quality of treatment (medical, mental, or otherwise) one may receive through any listed provider.