Prism Directory » Mental Health Providers » Jasmine Hansen, LCSW
(Please note that providers might currently have a waiting list. Check with provider for current availability)
I specialize in complex trauma, relationships, couples, neurodivergent folks, and supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, and young adults (16+). I hold space for you to slow down with patterns and attachment/trauma responses with compassion, connect with your internal experience, amplify strengths, and explore new patterns and possibilities for healing.
My approach is grounded in feminism, systems theory, anti-oppression and liberation psychology, somatics/body experience, trauma-informed Yoga, and authenticity, including humor! Your laugh, spirit, creativity, passions, joy, tears, and pain are ALL welcome. Please reach out if you’d like to explore working together. I would love to connect with you!
(Please note that providers might currently have a waiting list. Check with provider for current availability)
Disclaimer: Community Health Partnership’s provider directory is for reference purposes only. Community Health Partnership is not liable for the quality of service and treatment you may receive. By offering this directory, Community Health Partnership in no way endorses the use of a particular provider or health care professional’s services. Community Health Partnership makes no representations, and assumes no obligations, regarding the choice or quality of treatment (medical, mental, or otherwise) one may receive through any listed provider.