Prism Directory » Physical Health Providers » Dr. Morgan Shaw-Andrade, DPT
(Please note that providers might currently have a waiting list. Check with provider for current availability)
Dr. Morgan Shaw-Andrade, DPT is a physical therapist located in Northern and Southern Colorado Springs. He treats a wide variety of diagnosis including post-operative rehabilitation, orthopedic, neurological, and pediatric. Morgan has experience treating patients with PTSD, C-PTSD, ADHD, and autism. He treats patients from infancy through geriatric age.
While private rooms are available, we treat a wide variety of special needs populations and the clinic can be higher volume at times because of this. NTSOC also offers in-home physical therapy. Morgan provides home services on the southwest side of Colorado Springs Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
(Please note that providers might currently have a waiting list. Check with provider for current availability)
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